Econ Healthcare Property Fund
Round 3 Coming Soon
Investment Strategy

Fund Details
Features | Funds Details |
Fund Objective | To provide investors with a balanced return of income and capital growth |
Fund Strategy | Invest in a portfolio of Australian healthcare property assets via the Dexus Fund |
Fund Name | Econ Healthcare Property Fund (ABN 42 649 792 733) |
Type of Fund | Unregistered wholesale unit trust |
Trustee & Manager | Econ Funds Management Pty Ltd (AFSL 517694) |
Target Return | 8% over a 10 year rolling period |
Distribution Frequency | Quarterly |
Application Fee | $500+gst |
Performance Fee | NIL |
Entry & Exit Fee | NIL |
Term | Open ended |
Minimum Investment | $50,000 |
Investor Type | Strictly limited to wholesale investors |
Econ Healthcare Property Fund Performance Summary
Inception Date | 1 December 2021 |
Investment Status | Round 2 Closed, Round 3 Pending |
Expiry Date | Open Ended |
Fund Performance Summary | Since Inception |
*Total Income Return | 6.58% |
*Total Capital Return | -0.66% |
*Total Return Since Inception | 5.92% |
*Since inception to 31 March 2024